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PACT (Program for Academic & Creative Talent)

Mission Statement: The program for academic and creative talent (PACT) enhances and supports the educational program and experiences of high ability students to prepare them to become world class learners and responsible citizens.

PACT resource specialists serve as a primary advocate and resource in the area of gifted education for students and families as well as a liaison among CRCSD, building staff, students, and parents on matters pertaining to the academic and affective needs of gifted learners.


Kindergarten and First Grade

The kindergarten and first grade program (K-1) is designed to identify and recognize student potential, gather and share data, and collaborate with CRCSD and building staff. The program aims to identify students who possess characteristics and behaviors that indicate a student may be talented in a particular academic area. The program also analyzes student data in order to support learning opportunities for high achieving students, and collaborate and support kindergarten and first grade classroom staff and students to challenge and enrich CRCSD’s core curriculum.

Second through Fifth Grade

PACT provides curriculum enrichment experiences for academically gifted students. Teachers trained in gifted education conduct classroom screenings at the beginning of each semester. Topics are offered on a rotating schedule, allowing students the opportunity to participate in a variety of challenging activities such as science, humanities, mathematics, and language arts.

Elementary students who excel in one or more of the basic curriculum areas, or who demonstrate the potential to do so, will benefit from PACT services. These students need ongoing opportunities to develop their abilities in complex learning environments.

Several subjective and objective criteria are used to identify academically gifted students for PACT. Staff observations of student task commitment, achievement, and creativity are considered. In addition, achievement, and intelligence test scores are reviewed prior to placing students in appropriate activities.

There are no limits on PACT participation. Screenings are conducted each semester. Some students have exceptional talents in all areas; others are talented in specific areas. PACT seeks to address different areas of intellectual strength and to provide children with initial exploratory experiences in gifted education. However, a placement in PACT does not guarantee further placements. Children develop their intellectual strengths in varying stages and at varying speeds during their school careers; the purpose of PACT is to serve students demonstrating the greatest need for extended programming each semester.

To learn more about PACT, contact the PACT teacher at your school or the PACT office at 319-558-1676. As a parent, you can provide valuable insights and information about your child’s exceptional abilities.

Middle School

Middle school PACT offers specialized curricular and extracurricular services to academically gifted students. Building program managers work with the instructional staff of each middle school to extend the basic curriculum and provide intellectually challenging enrichment activities. After-school classes and field trips based on the students’ interests and needs are also provided by individual middle schools.

Middle school students often demonstrate the need for a differentiated curriculum that encourages higher level thinking and problem solving. Students who welcome opportunities for individual and group achievement will benefit from the variety of academic programs available during and after school. PACT managers in each middle school strive to meet the needs of those students with varied and single-minded commitments to different areas of interest.

Several subjective and objective criteria are used to identify academically gifted students for PACT. Staff observations of student task commitment, achievement, and creativity are considered. In addition, achievement and intelligence test scores are reviewed prior to placing students in appropriate activities.

For more information, contact the PACT teacher at your school or the PACT office at 319-558-1676 for additional information about identification procedures. As a parent, you can provide valuable insights and information about your child’s exceptional abilities.

High School

High school PACT offers specialized guidance services to academically talented students. These services include career counseling, profiling vocational interests and personal strengths, and facilitating academic planning during and after high school.

CRCSD curriculum provides abundant opportunities for academic challenge and enrichment through higher level classes, including those in the advanced placement program.

High school students often need assistance in clarifying possible career paths and locating suitable, affordable higher education. Since highly able students usually have numerous interests, or intense, long-term interests that influence their life planning, they will benefit from the decision-making focus provided by PACT guidance services.

Discover Summer Camp

Discover summer camp is an outstanding opportunity for academically talented third through fifth grade students in Cedar Rapids area schools to continue an enriching experience during the summer. Apply early! Classes will be on a first-come, first served basis as registrations are received. 


Key contact

Chad Hageman

PACT Program Lead