Curricular and Co-Curricular Field Trips
Curricular and co-curricular field trips serve the educational program by providing opportunities beyond those available in the school setting. Trips should be carefully planned to operate in conjunction with and help to enrich the curricular/co-curricular program. Procedures for approving all educational field trips are expected to provide for appropriate consideration of purpose, educational value, planning details, staff qualifications, student selection, student health and safety, insurance coverage, parent communication, financial arrangements, supervision, and evaluation.
- Approved: 01-09-78
- Reviewed: 11-13-89
- Revised: 02-08-93
- Reviewed: 06-24-96, 09-28-98, 12-09-02, 01-13-03, 12-08-03
- Revised: 02-28-11
- Reviewed: 09-11-17, 10-25-21
- Documents: 404
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