Election of Board Officers
After the Directors-elect have been qualified during odd-numbered years or during the annual organizational meeting held during even-numbered years, the Board Secretary shall call for nominations for the Office of President. Nominations do not require a second. The Board Secretary may determine “nominations closed” after sufficient time has been given for all who wish to make nominations. After nominations have been declared closed, the Board Secretary will call for a roll call vote, unless there is more than one Director nominated. If more than one Director is nominated for the Office of the President, ballots shall then be distributed by the Board Secretary to each Board member present. Each Board member shall complete the ballot by placing a mark in front of the name of a nominee and then signing his/her own name on the ballot. The Board Secretary shall collect the ballots and read the name of the director on each ballot and the name of the nominee marked on the ballot. If one nominee receives a majority vote of the members present, that member shall be elected President. If a majority vote for any nominee is not achieved on the first ballot, the procedure is repeated until a nominee receives a majority of votes cast.
The Office of Vice-President shall be determined in the same manner as the President.
- Approved: 09-24-84
- Reviewed: 03-13-89, 06-08-92, 09-25-95
- Revised: 10-12-98, 10-25-99
- Reviewed: 04-14-03
- Retired Regulation 202.3 Replaced with Procedure 202.1a on
- Revised: 01-26-09, 06-28-10, 10-14-13
- Reviewed: 02-09-15, 11-18-19, 11-14-2022
- Documents: 202.1a
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