70+Languages spoken in our schools
Please send the following information via email to indicate interest of your organization in supporting or collaborating with Cedar Rapids Community School District in the 2021-22 school year.
- Name of organization
- Name, title, and email of person submitting information
- Name, email, and phone of alternate contact
- Does your organization currently partner with CRCSD? (Y/N)
- Does your organization have a board-approved agreement with CRCSD for the current school year? (Y/N)
- Does your organization contribute money, products, or materials to support school events, programs, or activities? (Currently do, would like to, not interested)
- Does your organization help CRCSD staff find volunteer opportunities to support student success through time, talent, or expertise? (Currently do, would like to, not interested)
- Does your organization provide student programs or professional services that connect social-emotional health with academics in the school and community? (Currently do, would like to, not interested)
- Does your organization work closely to CRCSD staff to implement onsite programs and share data on proficiency, equity, and growth for impactful outcomes? (Currently do, would like to, not interested)
- Are there specific buildings or groups of students you are interested in supporting? If yes, please briefly describe.