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Career Skills
70+Career and Technology Education Classes

The District is supported by the Board-appointed advisory and oversight committees listed below.

Community members are invited to apply for appointment and will be considered as positions become available. While application doesn’t guarantee appointment, having a list of interested individuals with subject-matter expertise or insights helps make the process more efficient. Applications may be submitted at any time. Regular attendance at scheduled committee meetings is expected of all appointed members.

Board-appointed committees

Audit committee

The audit committee provides a practical means for the CRCSD Board of Education to obtain independent review and oversight of the District financial reporting processes, internal controls, and independent auditors.

Instructional materials reconsideration committee

The main task of the instructional materials reconsideration committee is to make a recommendation to the Superintendent when a citizen makes a written complaint against a library book, classroom material, or other instructional resource.

School improvement advisory committee

The school improvement advisory committee makes recommendations to the Board with regard to progress achieved with annual improvement goals for the State indicators that indicate reading, mathematics, and science, progress achieved with other locally determined indicators, and annual improvement goals for the State indicators that address reading, mathematics, and science.

Master facility planning oversight committee

The master facility planning oversight committee monitors and reports to the Board of Education the District’s compliance to the master facility plan.

Technology oversight committee

The technology oversight committee assures the community that the expenditures of the Secure an Advanced Vision for Education (SAVE) tax revenues dutifully include the technology projects that were identified by CRCSD to the citizens of the Cedar Rapids Community School District.

Non-board appointed committees

Teacher quality committee

State law (SF 277) requires that districts create a Teacher Quality Committee. The committee shall have equal representation of administrators and teachers. The teacher members shall be appointed by the certified employee organization if one exists, and if not, by the school district’s or agency’s administration. The administrator members shall be appointed by the school board. The committee will be subject to the Open Meetings Law. Click on the link below for more information.

Key contacts

Ryan Rydstrom

Board Secretary